Hamline Church United Methodist issued the following announcement on Nov. 25.
Singing Mary’s Song: Advent at Hamline Church As we enter this season of waiting, the Advent of the birth of Jesus, there is one person whose faith brings this story into focus. Mary becomes the unsuspecting mother of Jesus and alters history forever. We will focus our study on the faith of Mary and the words of Mary's song, recorded in Luke 1:46-55, known as the Magnificat. Let Mary’s story speak to you anew this year. Join us this Advent as we look at the different roles Mary had in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ: Mother, Witness, Revolutionary, and Disciple.
This Sunday, November 27: Hope - Mother MaryMary's Magnificat, recorded in Luke 1:46-55, was not a sweet lullaby sung in anticipation of the baby Jesus’ birth. Instead, Mary’s song proclaimed deliverance and hope to a dark and fearful world. It continues to bring challenge and hope to us today. Throughout Advent we look at the different roles Mary had in the life and ministry of Jesus. Rev. Heather Grantham will preach and be featured in a musical offering that speaks to Mary’s role as Mother of the Christ Child.
We are excited to begin the journey of advent with you - see you Sunday at 10am!
#advent #saintpaul #AdventWorship
Original source can be found here