
St. Paul Reporter

Friday, March 28, 2025

Ramsey County is home to 75 registered sex offenders in May

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There were 26 less registered sex offenders living in Ramsey County in May compared to the previous month, according to the Minnesota Public Registrant Search.

There are 75 sex offenders registered in Ramsey County in May, compared to 101 the month before.

The Registry shows five of these sex offenders are sexual predators. In Minnesota, convicted predatory offenders also are subject to certain mandatory sentencing laws that are designed to minimize their chances to re-offend.

Minnesota legislation about sex offenders and predators is currently being evaluated and revised, such as if offenders with good behavior can be removed from the Registry.

Frequently updated information about sex offenders in Minnesota can be found online here.

Registered sex offenders in Ramsey County as of May
OffenderCrimeCrime description
Clifton Butch TaylorCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeClifton Taylor (age the age of 17) engaged in sexual contact with a known male child. Contact included penetration. Taylor used his position of authority to gain compliance.
Allan Kingsley KerrCriminal sexual conduct in the first degree, kidnappingAllan Kerr engaged in sexual contact with an unknown female teenager. Contact included penetration. Kerr approached victim in a public place, forced her into his vehicle, and drove to another location. Kerr used force and threats to gain compliance.
Brian William MegerCriminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree, criminal sexual conduct in the first degreeBrian Meger has a history of sexual contact with both known and unknown female children. Contact has included sexual touching and penetration. Meger gained access to one female by approaching her in a public setting. Force was used to gain compliance.
Rashad Jutaun TaylorCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeRashad Taylor, at the age of 21, engaged in sexual contact with an unknown adult female. Contact included penetration. Force was used to gain compliance.
Thomas Kelly DownsCriminal sexual conduct in the second degreeOffender has a history of sexual conduct with minor female victims(age 3-14). Conduct included window peeping and indecent exposure in one offense pattern and fondling and penetration in another offense pattern. Offender was known to one victim and not known to another victim.
Ronald Edward AbshireCriminal sexual conduct in the first degree, criminal sexual conduct in the third degreeRonald Abshire has a history of sexual contact with a known female child and known female teen. Contact included sexual touching and penetration. Force has been used to gain compliance.
Tyrone AppletonCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeOffender engaged in sexual contact with victims (2 adult females). Contact included penetration. Offender entered victims' home without permission and used force and a weapon to gain compliance. Offender was not known to victims.
Jache St John AshleyCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeAshley engaged in sexual conduct and contact with an unknown adult female. Conduct included indecent exposure and soliciting sexual contact. Contact included penetration. Ashley gained access by approaching her in a public place and asking for a ride. Ashley gained compliance by implying that he had a weapon.
Phillip Jay BlodgettCriminal sexual conduct in the second degree (2 counts), criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degreeFrom ages 20 through 22 Phillip Blodgett engaged in separate incidents of criminal sexual conduct against; a known, adult female victim and two unknown female victims, one adult and one teen-aged. Blodgett gained access to the known, adult female by entering her home while she was sleeping. He gained access to the unknown adult female while she was in a parking lot in the early morning hours. He gained access to the teen-aged victim after she approached him asking for a cigarette which he provided her along with alcohol for a number of hours.
Joshua Allen BranvilleCriminal sexual conduct in the third degreeBranville has a history of sexual contact with known female children and teenagers. Contact has included sexual touching and penetration. Force has been used to gain compliance.
Scott Edward CannadyPossession of pornographic work involving minorsCannady has a history of possessing pornographic images of unknown males and females (toddler through pre-teen).
Antwone Nawone FordCriminal sexual conduct in the third degreeAntwone Ford engaged in sexual contact with a known female teenager on multiple occasions. Contact included penetration.
Aaron Carl GilbertsonCriminal sexual conduct in the first degree, patrons; prostitutes; and housing individuals engaged in prostitution; penalties, solicitation of children to engage in sexual conduct; communication of sexually explicit materials to children, kidnappingOffender attempted to lure victims into a car (female, age 6) bribing them with treats and money. Offender also approached victims (female, age 11 & 13) in a public place and offered them money for sex acts. Offender was not known to victims.
Rickey HarrisCriminal sexual conduct in the first degree, criminal sexual conduct in the second degree Rickey Harris has a history of sexual contact with known adult females. Contact has included penetration and sexual touching. Harris used force and threats to gain compliance.
Thure John HolmbergCriminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree, predatory offense, non-MN statuteThure Holmberg has a history of sexual conduct and contact with known female teenagers. Contact has included sexual touching and penetration. Conduct included Holmberg asking for sex.
James Timothy JavnerPossession of pornographic work involving minors (2 counts), criminal sexual conduct in the second degree, predatory offense, Michigan statuteJames Javner has a history of sexual contact with known female children. Contacts included sexual touching, exposure, and viewing pornography in front of victims.
Tijuan Donte JohnsonCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeTijuan Johnson engaged in sexual contact with an unknown adult female. Contact included penetration. Johnson gained access to victim by entering her residence without permission. Compliance was gained through use of a weapon, threats, and restraining victim's boyfriend.
John Franklin KnudsonKidnapping, criminal sexual conduct in the second degreeOffender has a history of sexual conduct and contact with female victims (age 7-adult). Conduct has included asking for sexual contact. Contact has included fondling and penetration. One victim was vulnerable due to developmental disability. Offender used physical force, a weapon and a chemical irritant to gain compliance. Offender was known and not known to victims.
Jason Michael LenarzCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeOffender has a history of sexual contact with minor males and females (age 5-17). Contact included sexual touching and penetration. Offender was known to victims.
Yia LorCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeOffender has a history of sexual contact with minor female victims (age 5-10). Contact has included sexual touching and penetration. Offender was known to victims.
Michael Jerome Milton Jr.Criminal sexual conduct in the first degree, criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degreeOffender has a history of sexual contact with juvenile female victims (age 8-14). Contact includes penetration. Offender was known to victims.
Bryan Dale PurdomCriminal sexual conduct in the first degree, criminal sexual conduct in the third degree, criminal sexual conduct in the second degreeOffender has a history of sexual contact with victims (females, age 16-adult). Contact included sexual touching and exposure. Force and threats were used to gain compliance. Offender was known to victims.
Torrance Lee RoysterCriminal sexual conduct in the first degree, criminal sexual conduct in the second degree, kidnappingAt age 22, Torrance Royster engaged in sexual contact with a known female adult. Contact included sexual touching. Force was used to gain compliance.
Joseph Alan Schaffer Sr.Kidnapping, false imprisonmentJoseph Schaffer has a history of physically assaulting and holding known adult females against their will. Schaffer used force, threats, and weapons to gain compliance.
Kevin Ervin ThorinCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeBeginning at the age of 27, Kevin Thorin has a history of engaging in sexual contact with known female adults. Contact included penetration. Thorin used force to gain compliance.
Joshua Dean TresterPossession of pornographic work involving minors, predatory offense, non-MN statuteJoshua Trester has a history of possessing child pornography.
Da Neng VangCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeOffender has a history of sexual contact with adolescent female victims (age 15-16). Contact included penetration. Offender gained compliance through physical force, holding victims against their will, and use of accomplices. Offender was known and unknown to victims.
Sia VangCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeSia Vang engaged in sexual contact with an unknown female teenager. Contact included penetration. Vang provided teenager with drugs and alcohol prior to offense. Vang used force, accomplices, and took advantage of teenager's vulnerable state to gain compliance.
Gilbert VelaCriminal sexual conduct in the third degreeGilbert Vela engaged in sexual contact with a unknown male teenager. Contact included sexual touching and penetration. Force was used to gain compliance. Vela gained access to victim by approaching him in a public place.
Christopher Dee WalterPossession of pornographic work involving minorsOffender has a history of possession of child pornography. Offender was not known to victims.
Terry William WilsonCriminal sexual conduct in the second degree, possession of pornographic work involving minors Offender engaged sexual contact with victims (male & female, ages include a 9 yr. old). Contact included sexual touching. Offender was also found to have thousands of child pornographic images. Offender's relationship with victims is unclear.
Joseph Eugene DavisCriminal sexual conduct in the third degree, criminal sexual conduct in the first degreeJoseph Davis has a history of sexual contact with unknown adult females. Contact has included sexual touching and penetration. Davis used physical force to gain compliance, and gained access by offering assistance or approaching them in a public setting.
Dwight David FordKidnapping, criminal sexual conduct in the first degreeDwight Ford engaged in sexual contact with a known adult female. Contact included penetration. Physical force was used to gain compliance. Ford also held three known adults (two males, 1 female) against their will. Threats, physical force, and a weapon were used to gain compliance. Ford gained access to victims while in custody.
William Genesis SmithCriminal sexual conduct in the third degree, non-MN statute for predatory offenseWilliam Smith has a history of engaging in sexual contact with unknown adult females. Contact has included sexual touching and penetration. Force was used to gain compliance.
Yeng VangCriminal sexual conduct in the first degree (3 counts) Vang has a history of sexual contact against known female teenagers and adults. Contact included repeated acts of penetration. Vang gained access by taking them to an isolated location. Force, threats, and accomplices were used to gain compliance.
Robert Michael BenikePossession of pornographic work involving minorsRobert Benike engaged in sexual conduct and contact with a known female child. Conduct included showing her pornographic material. Contact included sexual touching. Benike used his position of authority to gain compliance. Benike also possessed child sex abuse images.
Antoine Milton BookerCriminal sexual conduct in the second degreeAntoine Booker engaged in sexual contact with an unknown female child. Contact included sexually touching and penetration. Booker gained access at a social gathering and took advantage of her vulnerable state to gain compliance.
Markeith BranchCriminal sexual conduct in the first degree, kidnappingMarkeith Branch engaged in sexual contact with an unknown adult female. Contact included penetration. Branch gained access by flagging down her down, forcing himself into her vehicle, and ordering her to drive to a remote location. Force and threats were used to gain compliance.
Jeremy Vernon BreezeeCriminal sexual conduct in the third degreeJeremy Breezee engaged in criminal sexual contact against a teen-aged, adult female whom he had just met. Contact included penetration. Breezee used friendliness and sincerity to gain trust. He then had the victim accompany him in his vehicle to another location. At that location Breezee used force, violence and threats of serious bodily harm to gain control.
Rufus Brown Jr.Criminal sexual conduct in the third degreeRufus Brown engaged in sexual contact with an unknown female teenager. Contact included penetration. Brown provided victim with alcohol and took advantage of her vulnerable state to gain compliance.
Richard Allan BushwaySexual psychopathic personality, sexually dangerousRichard Bushway has a history of engaging in sexual contact with known adult females. Bushway has used force, threats, and violence to gain compliance.
Billy Joe ChapmanCriminal sexual conduct in the third degreeBilly Chapman engaged in sexual contact with a known adult female. Contact included penetration. Force was used to gain compliance.
Thomas Michael ChilefoneCriminal sexual conduct in the third degreeThomas Chilefone engaged in sexual contact with a known female teenager. Contact included penetration. Chilefone used physical force and forced victim to drink alcohol in order to gain compliance.
Corey Lee ClaflinCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeCorey Claflin engaged in sexual contact with a known female child. Contact included sexual touching and penetration. Claflin used his position of authority and manipulation to gain compliance.
Jeramie George CorbettCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeAt age 18, Jeramie Corbett engaged in sexual contact with a known female child on more than one occasion. Contact included penetration. Corbett used his position of authority to gain compliance.
Herman Duquon CurryCriminal sexual conduct in the first degree (2 counts) Herman Curry has a history of sexual conduct and contact with known female children. Conduct has included exposure. Contact included sexual touching and penetration. Curry has used threats and his position of authority to gain compliance.
James Nicholas DahlagerCriminal sexual conduct in the second degreeJames Dahlager engaged in sexual contact with a known female child. Contact included sexual touching.
Mark Ray DavisCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeDavis engaged in sexual contact with an unknown adult female. Contact included penetration. Davis approached her in a public setting and asked for a ride. Force, a weapon, and restraints were used to gain compliance.
Evul Condio DemarzCriminal sexual conduct in the second degree, criminal sexual conduct in the first degreeAt age 19, Evul Demarz AKA Eric Gates engaged in sexual contact with two known female children and one known female teenager. Contact included sexual touching and penetration. Manipulation and coercion were used to gain compliance.
Thomas Ray DuvallCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeThomas Duvall has a history of engaging in sexual contact with unknown female teenagers. Contact has included sexual touching and penetration. Duvall has gained access by asking to use their phone, offering a ride, and coercing them into his home. Force, threats of bodily harm, and weapons have been used to gain compliance.
Robert James GibbsFalse imprisonment, criminal sexual conduct in the first degreeRobert Gibbs engaged in sexual contact with an unknown female teenager and a known female child on separate occasions. Contact included sexual touching. Gibbs gained access by approaching one victim on the street, offering assistance, and having her accompany him to another location. Force has been used to gain compliance.
Eugene Paul GlaratonCriminal sexual conduct in the first degree, kidnappingEugene Glaraton engaged in sexual contact with an unknown male teenager. Contact included sexual touching and penetration. Glaraton approached him in a public place and forced him to walk to an isolated location. Physical force, threats, and a weapon were used to gain compliance.
Antonio Edward GonsorCriminal sexual conduct in the third degreeAntonio Gonsor engaged in sexual contact with a known adult female. Contact included penetration. Gonsor gained access while residing in the same building as victim. Force was used to gain compliance.
Robert Stanley HakalaCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeRobert Hakala engaged in sexual contact with a known adult female. Contact included penetration. Hakala gained access by offering her a ride home. Force, strangulation, and threats were used to gain compliance.
Newton Wyatt HendersonCriminal sexual conduct in the first degree, kidnappingNewton Henderson held an unknown male and female teenager against their will, transported them to another location, and engaged in sexual contact with the female teen. Contact included sexual touching and penetration. Force and threats were used to gain compliance. Henderson gained access by approaching them in public and asking them for a ride.
Ge HerCriminal sexual conduct in the third degreeGe Her engaged in sexual contact with two unknown female teenagers. Contact included penetration. Force and an accomplice were used to gain compliance.
Jammie HollidayCriminal sexual conduct in the third degreeJammie Holliday engaged in sexual contact with an unknown female teenager. Contact included penetration. Holliday used coercion and accomplices to gain compliance.
Bobby Earl JeffersonCriminal sexual conduct in the third degree, kidnappingBobby Jefferson engaged in sexual contact with an unknown female teenager. Contact included penetration. Jefferson used threats and force to gain compliance.
Matthew Antonio JohnsonCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeMatthew Johnson engaged in sexual contact with two unknown adult females. Contact included sexual touching and penetration. Johnson gained access by meeting victims in a public place and bringing them to another location. Force and a weapon were used to gain compliance.
Richard Wayne KemperCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeRichard Kemper engaged in sexual contact with a known female teenager on numerous occasions. Contact included sexual touching and penetration.
John Joseph KramerCriminal sexual conduct in the fourth degreeJohn Kramer has a history of sexual contact with a known female child and an unknown female teenager. Contact has included sexual touching and penetration. Kramer gained access to the unknown female teenager by approaching her in a public setting.
James Tacumseh LittlewolfCriminal sexual conduct in the third degreeJames Littlewolf engaged in sexual contact with a known female teenager. Contact included penetration. Littlewolf gained access by entering the home where she was staying without permission.
Kevin Jacqui MageeCriminal sexual conduct in the second degreeKevin Magee engaged in sexual contact with an unknown adult female. Contact included sexual touching. Magee met victim in a public place and then forced her to accompany him to another location. Magee used physical force and a weapon to gain compliance.
Shannon Michael MillerCriminal sexual conduct in the third degree, criminal sexual conduct in the third degreeShannon Miller has a history of engaging in sexual contact with known female children and teens. Contact has included sexual touching and penetration. Miller used force to gain compliance.
Artez Lasalle MitchellCriminal sexual conduct in the second degreeArtez Mitchell engaged in sexual contact with an unknown adult female. Contact included penetration. Threats and force were used to gain compliance. Mitchell also has a history of assaultive behavior.
Leo Edward PerryCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeLeo Perry has a history of sexual contact with known female toddlers and children. Contact has included sexual touching and penetration.
Christopher Nicholas SonsallaCriminal sexual conduct in the third degree, criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree Christopher Sonsalla has a history of sexual contact with known female teenagers. Contact has included sexual touching and penetration.
Bennett Oliver StukeyCriminal sexual conduct in the first degreeBennett Stukey engaged in sexual contact with a known minor female on multiple occasions over a period of years. Contact included sexual touching.
Andre Demond TolefreeCriminal sexual conduct in the fourth degree, kidnapping, false ImprisonmentAndre Tolefree engaged in sexual contact against a known female teenager. Contact included penetration. Tolefree used force and a weapon to gain compliance. Tolefree gained access to victim online. Tolefree also physically assaulted and held a known adult female against her will. Tolefree used a weapon to gain compliance.
Lee Edward TrealoffPredatory offense, non-MN statuteLee Trealoff engaged in sexual contact with a known female teenager. Contact included sexual touching and penetration. Trealoff provided her with alcohol prior to offense.
Jeffrey Alan TruelsonCriminal sexual conduct in the first degree, criminal sexual conduct in the fourth degreeJeffrey Truelson has a history of engaging in sexual contact with an unknown female teenager and unknown female adult. Contact has included sexual touching and penetration. Truelson used force to gain compliance.
Joseph Upsher Jr.Kidnapping, false imprisonment, criminal sexual conduct in the third degreeJoseph Upsher abducted two known adult females and held them against their will on separate occasions. Upsher engaged in sexual contact with one female. Contact included penetration. Upsher has used force, a weapon, and threats to gain compliance.
Theodore James WarrenCriminal sexual conduct in the fourth degreeTheodore Warren (at the age of 19) engaged in sexual contact with a known female teenager. Contact included penetration. Warren physically assaulted her and used force to gain compliance.
Russell Thomas WilliamsCriminal sexual conduct in the first degree, criminal sexual conduct in the second degree (2 counts)Russell Williams has a history of sexual contact with known female children. Contact has included sexual touching and penetration. Force and his position of authority have been used to gain compliance.
Brian Joseph SmithKidnappingOffender engaged in sexual contact with an adult female victim, age 20. Contact included penetration. Force, threats and weapons were used to gain compliance. Offender also held victim against her will and transported her to another location. Offender was known to victim.


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