
St. Paul Reporter

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

How much did Minnesota Family Prosperity Project spend in October 2022 to be the biggest spender in a city within Ramsey County?

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Minnesota Family Prosperity Project spent the most money among political committees within a city in Ramsey County during October 2022, according to the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board.

The largest expense was for Advertisement to Change Media Group, which is based in Chicago.

The second largest political spend from a committee operating in a city within Ramsey County during October 2022 came from Alliance for a Better Minnesota Action Fund. It spent $246,022 during the time period on eight different vendors.

Political campaign financial data is often updated at the end of each quarter, leading to a sometimes incomplete picture of a committee or candidate's finances.

In 2022, Minnesotans donated nearly $59 million to political causes. This is significantly lower than donations contributed in 2020 when more than $136 million was donated.

Minnesota has a maximum political contribution limit of $4,000 over two years. The limit is highest for the Governor and Lieutenant Governor races and lower for the Attorney General and legislative races.

Top Expenditures from Minnesota Political Committees Based in Cities Within Ramsey County During October 2022

CommitteeExpendituresPaid Vendors
Minnesota Family Prosperity Project$246,8473
Alliance for a Better Minnesota Action Fund$246,0228
Pro-Choice Minnesota$224,5045
Faith in Minnesota Fund$97,3043
Education Minn, PAC$92,76922
WIN Minnesota Political Action Fund$45,5303
Faith in Minnesota Action$45,4447
Minn Food Coalition$37,4471
Pro Jobs Majority$29,8041
More Voices Minnesota$29,7062
Laborers District Council of Minn & ND Political Fund$21,5009
SEIU Healthcare Minn$20,4222
MN Action Network IE, PAC$17,8345
Housing First Fund$16,3523
Gender Justice Action$5,1601
Minnesota Police, PAC$5,0001
Better Together MN Political Fund$4,1881
Local 68 Political Action Fund$3,6813
MN Association of Professional Employees Political Fund$3,2191
North Star Chapter Sierra Club, PAC$2,6962
Mpma, PAC$2,4353
Planned Parenthood Minnesota, PAC$2,1233
womenwinning State, PAC$1,7984
St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, PAC$1,0621
Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadership Fd$7752
Ibew 110, PAC$6001
Carpenters Local 322$6001
U A Plumbers Local #34 Political Fund$6002
Iron Workers Local 512$5001
Messerli & Kramer Political Action Committee$3831
Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No 417$3001
Mape, PAC$2992
Women LEAD MN, PAC$1661
Minn Jobs Coalition Legislative Fund$1301
Bwca, PAC$621
Credit Union, PAC$511
LeadingAge MN, PAC$121