
St. Paul Reporter

Monday, March 10, 2025

How much did Alliance for a Better Minnesota Action Fund spend in September 2022 to be the biggest spender in a city within Ramsey County?

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Alliance for a Better Minnesota Action Fund spent the most money among political committees within a city in Ramsey County during September 2022, according to the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board.

The largest expense was for Advertisement to Great American Media, which is based in Washington.

The second largest political spend from a committee operating in a city within Ramsey County during September 2022 came from Education Minn, PAC. It spent $224,748 during the time period on 29 different vendors.

Political campaign financial data is often updated at the end of each quarter, leading to a sometimes incomplete picture of a committee or candidate's finances.

The highest earning Minnesota candidate in the 2022 politician race received nearly $8 million and won their Congressional race.

What’s known as “dark money,” which comes from political non-profits and shell corporations, has greatly increased expenditures and donations in recent elections to record-breaking highs.

Top Expenditures from Minnesota Political Committees Based in Cities Within Ramsey County During September 2022

CommitteeExpendituresPaid Vendors
Alliance for a Better Minnesota Action Fund$701,6695
Education Minn, PAC$224,74829
Minnesota Family Prosperity Project$87,6684
Pro-Choice Minnesota$42,2446
SEIU Healthcare Minn$30,2873
Minn Nurses Association Political Committee$20,0002
Pro Jobs Majority$16,7312
Better Together MN Political Fund$16,2001
Faith in Minnesota Action$15,7413
Laborers District Council of Minn & ND Political Fund$14,25021
WIN Minnesota Political Action Fund$12,2261
Faith in Minnesota Fund$10,8592
More Voices Minnesota$9,7252
Planned Parenthood Minnesota, PAC$8,6165
North Star Chapter Sierra Club, PAC$6,6712
Minn Chamber of Commerce Leadership Fd$6,0625
Haulers for Choice Political Committee$2,2505
MN Association of Professional Employees Political Fund$2,0391
U A Plumbers Local #34 Political Fund$2,0004
Mape, PAC$1,6416
St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, PAC$1,4121
Mpma, PAC$1,2751
Gender Justice Action$1,2001
Carpenters Local 322$9002
Minn Hospital, PAC$8611
Bam, PAC$8401
Maiv, PAC$8282
Housing First Fund$7741
Sprinkler Fitters Local Union No 417$6001
Ibew 110, PAC$6001
Local 68 Political Action Fund$6001
Housing First, PAC$4941
womenwinning State, PAC$3993
Stinson Political Fund, LLP$3412
LeadingAge MN, PAC$1951
Minn Jobs Coalition Legislative Fund$701
Bwca, PAC$151